Home Painting costs in Toronto are anywhere from $1.20 /sqft to $7.00 /sqft . It all depends on the company, their reputation, services you receive, how fast you want the job done, number of floors and quality of the work that is being done, including cleanliness, cover sheets and more details done by the painting company.
Most companies in Toronto are using 3 major brands:
Based on the quality of the work and the hours put into project, it could take up to 5 days to fully paint a house. If the owner has decided to change the color, change the drywalls, change it from dark to light, or light to dark, could effect the project scope. Usually it takes 1-2 days for condominium and apartment painting and could take up to 5 days for a full house.
You can always paint your own home. One of the biggest issues with DIY painting your own home, is that most of the houses in Toronto are expensive to purchase. Ruining the texture of a house, leaving lines, drips and using glossy colors without the right underlaying primer will ruin the house. In some instances it has cost the owner of the house to remove all drywalls and install, mud, sand, primer and paint. Easily a couple thousand dollars project turned into tens of thousands of dollars of work and expense.